
1st June 2024 St Andrew’s Church, Plymouth

24th August 2019 – Rising Sun, Kingsand

The familiar venue of the Rising Sun, Kingsand (picture: Anne Rundle)

7th August 2019 – The Cleave, Kingsand

Another successful outdoor concert – (picture: Janet James)

24th July 2019 – Cawsand Square

One of our Summer programme of concerts : Cawsand Square 24 July 2019  (picture: Stephanie Hoare)

1st June 2019 – Fort Picklecombe

1st June 2019 singing at Fort Picklecombe, Brian Oates conducting (picture: Anne Rundle)

24th August 2018

Below are some wonderful photographic memories of our Gala Concert on 24th August 2018 when the Choir was presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (all photos: Nick Harris)

Celebration cake  24 August 2018

Our Wonderful and Talented Lady Supporters without whom etc etc  24 August 2018

Lord Lieutenant Edward Bolitho leaving Torpoint St James’s Church with chairman Clive Brinkmann   24 August 2018

The Official Photo   24 August 2018

Halfway Harmony in full swing      24 August 2018

(L-R) Clive Brinkmann (Chairman), Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, Graham Hoare (Vice-Chairman), Fred Luckraft (Choir VP), Cllr Mary May (Chair, Cornwall Council), John Woodfield (Choir President and former MD)    24 August 2018

Chairman Clive Brinkmann presenting a cheque to Dr D Hilton, Consultant Neuropathologist at Derriford Hospital; with compere Barry Rundle, choir treasurer, left      24 August 2018

Choir including the Halfway Harmony contingent      24 August 2018


The Lord Lieutenant meeting Mike Snowling (left) and Fred Luckraft      24 August 2018













MD Jonathan Lewsey in full flow, with Bill Clifton (front right) as soloist singing Old Man River      24 August 2018








In Kingsand on a beautiful evening, July 25th 2018 (photo: Nick Harris)

Singing at Saltash, April 2018 (photo: Nick Harris)

Christmas Concert at Kingsand, December 2017 (photo: Nick Harris)

Singing at Ilminster, Somerset, April 2016 (photo: Nick Harris)